Columbian Scholarship Awards

Columbian Scholarship Awards sponsored by OSIA
Posted on 05/30/2025

DUE: May 30, 2025 to the School Counseling Office for processing and mailing.

The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America in Loggia Piave 364 Sons and Daughters of Italy is pleased to announce that the annual Columbian Scholarship Awards will be presented at the Columbus Day Dinner in October of 2025 and St. Joseph's Day Dinner in March of 2026. 

The Columbian Awards are presented to a high school senior male and female for achieving excellence in both academics and athletics. The Award is $1,000.00 each and there are six of these awards. 

The qualifications are as follows:
1. The student must be a senior. 
2. The student must have an Italian surname; if not, maternal or paternal grandparents have to. 
3. Be of Italian descent, and so noted on the application. 
4. The student must be an outstanding scholar athlete. 

2025 Columbian Award Scholarship Application.pdf